Friday, December 12, 2008


So every time Berlyn does her tummy time on the floor, Molly comes and lays next to her and watches her do her thing, its pretty cute. Obvously i laid bee on her belly in this picture but its still pretty cute. They get along really well so far. We were really suprised at how well the dogs adjusted to having Berlyn here, they welcomed her as one of the family the day she came in..Im pretty sure they will be buddies when Berlyn gets old enough to play with the doggins...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hungry Monkey

So, my mom came up the day after Berlyn was born so she could help me out, and B pretty much loves her! My mom was a little worried that she was sleeping so much, and Berlyn was really awake at this time, because she was hungry, so my mom had me take some pictures of her awake.... So here they are! Poor girl was starved, but you could see her eyes at least haha. Not to mention my mom looks pretty good too. My favorite is the second one, cause i think it really gives you all a good idea of what i get to go through every time i get to feed her...just look at that grip... :) The end!

P.S. Thanks so much for helping me out mama! Youre pretty much the best! And my house is like ten times cleaner! I love you!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

what ive been doing lately...

So, im pretty much just going to be putting up any pics we take of little B, since well, thats what ive been doing lately! Cause you know, not to brag but, i think she is pretty dang cute...

willy was feeling a little jealous, so we took a picture of him too.

all dressed up after 2 days of no clothes in the baby glow worm to go to the doctor to see if she still had jaundice.

just looking cute and cuddly

poor little thing in her bili bed...dang jaundice, it made it no fun! No holding her except to feed and change her for 2 whole days! that was tough, she loved it though, it must have been comfy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I know its a little late....

Please welcome miss Berlyn Denice Harrow born November 24th 7lbs 11oz 19 1/2in long! Yay! We are so excited! So far she is pretty fun and we love her to death! Ill post more in a few days, but just thought i'd let you know and post some pics!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

here i grow...

watch me little self taken pictures at work of my ever growing baby belly...its the only place i know with such a big mirror haha
31 weeks, and i do look huge really not that big...i dont think :/
25 weeks...20 weeks...still thought i was huge18 weeks i think...

i believe this one is 16 weeks...i thought i was huge

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Who remembers

OH....i just saw this on a few of my friends pages and it seemed like fun for us all to participate in. So lets have a go...

1. As a comment on my blog leave, a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a lot or a little, it's just anything you can remember.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is fun to see the memories that people have of you.

Make me proud!

Friday, July 11, 2008

3 years!!

well, this weekend for me( last tuesday and wednesday, my days off) was pretty busy, suprisingly.... first we got to find out what we are having, and that she didnt have 5 legs and one eye..haha, and it was Me and Dustins 3 year anniversary! yippieee!
It seems like we have known eachother for FOREVER but really, we havent, only since a nice sunday in April 2004, i had just barely BARELY turned 19 and was driving back to my apartment from somewhere, and i saw a bunch of guys skateboarding, they waved, and i smiled. The only one i really noticed was dustin cause he had a huge head of bleached blonde shaggy hair glowing in the sun, it made it hard to see anyone else haha. But it was the wierdest feeling i got then, i looked at him and something in me just knew i would be with him, at least be good friends with him was weird, i cant really explain it....
Anywhoo.... they apparently followed me home, cause i saw them skating around in the parking lot where my car was about a half hour later, so i decided to see if they really did follow me, so i went to my car to get some books that i "needed" and they all came all around me wanting me to go to their bbq they were having. Dustin claims he was the one who asked, but im pretty sure it was Layne and Shaffer, anyways i told them i would go (since they were pretty cute) but only if my sister could come too. So Layne hopped in my front seat and everyone else but Mike Piled in the back and we drove over to their house, where there was already a few people, like Tom, who i was scared of cause he seemed intimidating at the time, which is weird, cause he is probably the least intimidating person in the world... sister finally showed up, then it wasnt so awkward for me... I thought dustin was the cutest one there, but, he was hanging out with this other girl, who i assumed was his girlfriend, and Layne and Shaffer wouldnt take their attention off me and my sister. We went for a Scooter/motorcycle ride with all their friends, i think Jessica and Miles were there then too, and the girl dustin was talking to, was Mikes girlfriend, Tom had Kori on his bike, and i think Dustin took Shaffer haha...i didnt get a choice of who i got to ride with, Layne just pulled up and told me to get on his, so i did. Anywho we hung out with them for a while and they got our numbers, and we hung out a few more times.
Then all of the sudden one random day, probably like a week later, i got a text from a number i didnt know, and all it said was Love you....which i thought was very stalkerish, but i thought it was one of my friends joking with me so i kept on texting, and then we went to hang out at the boys house later that night and i text the number back, and dustins phone went off...
Pretty much since then we havent spent a day apart. I was so glad it was him, cause the whole time i was hopeing he would, but i didnt want to make any moves and he is way too stand off ish so i thought that nothing was ever going to happen with us....i think our first time we hung out just me and him, was we went to the mall to get something for his mom for mothers day i think?...he remembers better than me.
1 year exactly after we started dating we got engaged and we have been married for 3 crazy, our love story is so random......THE END!!!
OH and that pic on top is of Dustins crazy blonde shaggy hair, me my sister and Layne on a scooter at a scooter rally probably just a week after we met. And thats right there are 4 of us on one scooter, you know you have always wanted to do that...haha jk.He didnt know i liked him yet, and i didnt know he liked me yet. how cute

Here you go...

so here are some pics after a few days, my internet started acting weird....

this first one is of her scary face, i know it will get cuter later, but for now, she looks like an alien--and here, over on the left side are her little legs
oh and the top pic is of me, at work, thats 20 weeks for you yippee im already huge...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ITS A.....

Well...all your votes on this poll worked out, and the winning vote won!!! Its a GIRL!!!! wahooo! now for some names... OH and ill get some of the ultrasound pics up as soon as i can, we tried to get a profile pic but she was just too dang honary!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I made a poll thing...go ahead and have a go

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


....OH! P.S. i decided to wait till my Dr appointment to see what were having. And i know it probably wont be, but just with all my bad baby luck in the past ( that most peopple dont know about, and i dont really like talking about :/ ...) It makes me really scared more than nervous to see it, and besides being affraid its not gonna live, im scared its gonna be deformed or mentally disabled. Cause i really cant deal with that... it'd be way hard.

I take care of mentally disabled people every day, and as much as i love them, they have it so rough, its hard sometimes dealing with the fact that they cant understand everything i want to say to them or do with them, and that we cant fully understand how they feel or what they want to do. i realize i take care of the extreme in some ways of disabled, where their parents kept them as long as they could handle them, which was until they were about 5 or 6, which is pretty understandable being that 2 out of the 6 of my girls are blind and deaf, one is just deaf, can see shadows and has downs syndrome, and 1 is blind and autistic and permanantly on pms...seriously, its simply wonderful. And one is blind, autistic, pica (which means she can and will eat ANYTHING...literally anything, she loves grass, and chewing on her chair while shes chilaxin, and cheese in the wrapper. which in addition to just being plain old mentally retarded makes it pretty hard for them to do stuff on their own. And as much as i love these girls and think of them as my own family... I dont think i could handle my own.

the end...

SO...besides my babbling about work, you can probably see why im so scared haha... Lets just hope it isnt...Fingers Crossed... My appointment is next tuesday at 10am ... yippee!

Stuff that im back working at the State Developmental Center, i am both too busy to do this too often, and too bored at work... i work the PM shift so i leave for work around 12 ish so i can get something to eat before work, or whatever, then i work from 130 to 10pm... and that shift gives me a lot of extra time, since i get the girls to bed around 8... i have till 10 to clean and do whatever i want, which gets pretty boring as you could probably guess. SO ive been bringing my paper and sparkly stuff and started making a bunch of this and that to keep me from being too bored...Heres what i did sunday....They look a lot prettier and more detailed in real life, but its a pic from my phone and it took a lot of it away.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Its official

we FINALLY went to the doc again and figured out my due date... November 26.. yippee! Now, i can go to the mall and figure out if its a boy or girl, this week for like 80 bucks...or i can wait 2 weeks till my next doctors appointment! Should i wait? or should i just go... i dont know!!! oh gosh decisions decisions....

Sunday, May 18, 2008


How long have you been married?
lets see... 2 years and 10 months ish

How old is your spouse?
27 28 in july

Who eats more?
It depends on what it is, if its junk, Dustin can eat and eat and eat, but i can eat more salad haha

Who said I love you first? was the first thing he ever said to me...or texted i guess...whatever! Creepy i know!!!

Who is taller?
Dustin is much taller, im glad i found a tall guy so i can keep on wearing my high heels, i had a few guys who i had to wear flats with, and they just didnt cut it

Who sings better?
I do, its the voice of an angel...haha jk

Who is smarter?
I let Dustin think he is smarter, but a certified GENIUS

Who controls the T.V. remote?
The remote doesnt usually get controlled at my house to be honest

Whose temper is worse?
Well, Dustin is like a little puppy, its hard to even know he has a temper, but im a girl, so i definately have a temper...poor dusty :/

Who does the laundry?
Dustin always tries to..bless his little heart..but he RUINS everything he washes...he just doenst know what can and cant go in they dryer or what colors dont go together...BAH! at least he tries!

Who does the dishes?
I make dinner, so he does dishes...he still has to catch on to this though

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do, he is more cuddly on one side haha jk

Who cooks dinner?
I do...I dont trust his cooking very often

Who is more stubborn?
Well whole family knows that one

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
I do...Dustin never thinks he's wrong, so i appologize even when I'm right

Whose parents do you see the most?
Dustins parents, but only cause they live here, and mine dont...

Who has more friends?
Me and Dustin share all our friends, or most of them, but he has more real friends, and i have more kinda friends and know more people

Who has more siblings?
Oh i do by far...i have 1 sister, and 3 brothers, and Dustin only has 1 sister

Who wears the pants in the family?
i let Dustin think he does...thats what we all do..right girls?? haha

i tag...jessica and sisty took my others i know on here

Sunday, May 11, 2008


HOLA!...Well. sadly, were back already from mexico, and it didnt even seem like we were there more than 2 days. It was SOOO much fun, i wish i could live there! The weather was perfect every day and the ocean is NEVER cold..its pretty dang awesome! Anywho...heres some picty pics of the trip...sorry theres not too many of them, i was kinda caught up in the moment a lot and forgot to take them! he he!

Dustins Aunt Katie and Cousin Amy and baby Max in front of some parrots

so, i wasnt picking my nose i had a scratch...we were in the dolphin thingy at Xcaret, but i guess they got scared of us when we came in...oh there they are!Here we are in the butterfly garden, they were landing on us like crazy...especially max, he had that butterfly on him the whole time we were in thereheres some mayans doing some traditional mayan dances...thats right, they swing from high high places and turn in circles like windmills, i really wonder how they did it back a million years agooh i loved the little baby sea turtles! this one was chasing that leaf for forever...those little critters grow to be like 6 feet long or longer! holy moley!!!oh and here is just a little tornado (not so little) thats how big it looked from the horizon...i seriously thought we were going to get hit!!! it was huge! and you could see the water whirling below it and blowing up in the air it was pretty dang freaky...but then it went away and it got sunny againheres me and amy(my face was burn that day...dont i look lovely) at the BEST mexican restaurant we went was all outside, and that was our view it was awesome!i love this pic of dustin haha he wore his buddy max in that snuggli everywhere we went, he loved that boy!.... its at Tulum in front of one of the mayan ruins...and you can hardly see it but there are some bloody little handprints up there, and i guess they mayans (who were the lamanites) would put those prints at places that Jesus came way way way back in the day, so thats pretty dang awesome...heres the beach at Tulum...Amy Katie and Maxy were down there somewhere....i dont remember where some more ruins, theres me and my papa in law and mama in law in this last one, i dont know what we were looking at there, but it looked importantyippieee! heres me and dusty in fron of the beach at Tulum! we took a pic just like this the last time we came, so we thought we would duplicate it!

Alrighty! thats all for now... Mexico was awesome... thats all!

Friday, May 2, 2008

We're GoIn To MExiCo Tomorrow MoRning!!!!!! ha ha...i just realized we're going to be there on cinco de mayo...that should be FuN....Oh the Festivities! Yippee! keep lookin up on our page, cause as soon as we get back ill put some picty pics up!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Home For Christmas!!

So we got to go home for Christmas this year, well kinda, a few days late. But it was still way fun, i love getting to hang out with all my family! They are practically the best people in the whole world. AND while we were home we got to go to disneyland! It was so much fun, especially since kori was so pregnant she got to ride around on a jazzy and get to the front of the line a few times...

papa bear and chloe

my cute little parents
she is so hott....

me, getting way too excited for some candle sticks, i like to bring some unneccesary excitement every now and again
willy was cold...

he REALLy wanted a picture taken

Nick was re living some past pictures here...lovely nick, lovely, posing all the new stuff we got him for christmas too
Chloe...she is a princess
kori and mama, looking beautiful as usual

a little family picture thats not dustins normal smile

it seems...we all were very cool on the way down to disneyland. but what more would you expect, from this awesome family
troyster boyster, nick and papa bear ready to fly up in the air
woopie!!!! there they go!i was really trying, really hardso was that mama....look at the concentration on her face!Theres troy's famous monkey arms in the backkori on a jazzy at disneyland...worth a million bucks....this picture....priceless
i dont know the see no evil hear no evils behind us