So yesterday Sam FINALLY talked me into getting Berlyn's ears pierced! And she did SO good, i dont know what i was so nervous about! It was really funny, when i took her in she was getting cranky, mostly because it was her nap time... So i took her in and she was bawling her eyes out, as the girl prepped her ears she just kept on crying! As soon as she pierced her ears, Berlyns stopped crying! It was so funny! I think the prick was just enough to startle her but not enough to hurt her! I wish i could show some pics, but when i took my camera there, i realized i left my memory card at home, so Sam still took pics but they are on the main camera memory, and i cant find the connector cord to plug it into the computer!! BAH! Ill find it soon, and the pics will be up!
My mom kept asking me for pics of her pierced ears, so i would take a pic on my phone of the side of her face, with her ear, and she couldnt figure out why i didnt take any straight on! Well ill tell you why... Her cheeks are too chubby to see them from a straight on view! Poor little chubba bubba!
Alright...Im off to find that cord!!!