Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of july weekend

so over the 4th of july, we of course went to Torrey Utah with El Steve-o, aka Grandpa Grizzly, aka Dustins Dad. It was pretty darn fun as usual, and Berlyn is really starting to love it there too. She especially loves the 4wheeler rides! Apparently the rough terrain is good for naps. We also went to the 4th of July parade in Torrey, it was really fun, and old fashioned ish. Anywho, here are the latest pictures of our adventures....

sometimes i lick fish i guess... these were some giants we caught up in "spectical"
oh ya there was a bit of a flash flood on the 4th after the parade...please note, this roaring river wasnt running through town till the flood...fancy huh?
Steve o really doesnt like touching them...
here he is after he cleaned half...oh sick
Dust with his first 2 big ones at the pond
Here she is giving you guys a good image of how big the fish actually were
Bee taking a nap while we were fishing up in "spectical", after the fun 4wheeler ride up ...Bless her little heart

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Playing catch up!

thumbs up! She LOVES this thing!Playing on the mat with her toys and molly...

Getting messy with some food...

being silly with daddy...

this is her new face she does when she is trying to be cute... thanks a lot COLBY!
so i know, again, its been forever! a lot has been going on lately, but i dont know if any of it is quite "blog worthy" stuff... just growing, changing type stuff. Berlyn has grown up a lot even just since easter! she now says (but only when she wants to) "dada" "mama" (only when she is crying) "hi!" and "bob" not baba... just bob! silly baby! anyways, she also has discovered the hammock in our back yard, and absolutly LOVES it! it can be an hour past her nap time or time to eat and she will just sit in there happy as can be, and if you know her, that is pretty amazing!
Lets see... oh she is also officially a half year old and weighs 19lbs 2 oz, 28inches long and i just started feeding her baby food, she pretty much loves it so far! but she is the MESSIEST eater i have ever fed!

She LOVES her dad and tells him all kinds of stories all the time, he taught her how to make a farting noise from her mouth and she does it all the time...beautiful

Dustin finally is getting more work to do at work, and he is the project manager (i think, hes not to interested in talking about work after work) at a job in herriman. he isnt getting paid like an intern anymore, he is now on salary, but how things work out he is really only getting paid a little more than he was before, because of the hours he works. But, its still better, and he is getting noticed for all the hard work he has been doing.

I have finally started going to the gym again! which is pretty exciting, i used to love going, but then life got busy and i never had time! so now im just getting into the swing of loving it again! i dont see any results yet, but just knowing that im doing it makes me feel better!

alright...the part i like the most...the pics! they are all of berlyn...but like i said before, i am always the one taking the pics, so im never in them...bah! oh well, she is the cutest one everyone wants to see anyways!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Bee's First Easter!

annie (Grandpa Grizzly and Grandma Jama's doggin)
Gingie...she may be a spaz, but she is out whenever she finds a bed.

ooooooh molly......

she loves those keys....LOVES THEM
forget any toys that cost more than 50cents...the keys are all she loves now
ob...sessed...what camera
who took her is over
ya, thats a mad confused face
show us some leg
thats it! im done with you people and your cameras! Done i tell you!

well...better late than never! This year Dustin's parents decided to go down to Torrey for easter, so, we decided to go too! They also decided to celebrate my birthday while we were down there, which was very nice! we got a whole cake that we never had time to eat...its in our fridge right now...still full! haha! annywhooo... I had already bought bee the cutest easter outfit, and was bound and determined to have her wear it for easter! so, even though we were down there, and leaving that morning, i still had to get her into that dress! Right after this wonderful photo shoot, we changed her into her pjs and drove home haha...what an easter! No really, it was nice. Here are the pics of her, and our weird dogs...


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 month check up

So, we all know bee is a chunk....

but she is my chunk, so dont make fun!

today at the Dr. office she measured as follows

99% weight............16lb 12oz

89% height.............25in


thats right, she is perfect...100% is the best you know...thats the grade you get on tests when you did the she is doing pretty darn good! :)

PS the doc said she was acting as or more advanced than the last three 6 month olds he saw...thats right...GENIUS

pierced ears pics! FINALLY

measuring it before....bawling
getting ready for the poke...bawling
measuring, making sure she got them straight....fine
you already got the story...if not its right there are the pics!...priceless

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Berlyn has some more bling

So yesterday Sam FINALLY talked me into getting Berlyn's ears pierced! And she did SO good, i dont know what i was so nervous about! It was really funny, when i took her in she was getting cranky, mostly because it was her nap time... So i took her in and she was bawling her eyes out, as the girl prepped her ears she just kept on crying! As soon as she pierced her ears, Berlyns stopped crying! It was so funny! I think the prick was just enough to startle her but not enough to hurt her! I wish i could show some pics, but when i took my camera there, i realized i left my memory card at home, so Sam still took pics but they are on the main camera memory, and i cant find the connector cord to plug it into the computer!! BAH! Ill find it soon, and the pics will be up!

My mom kept asking me for pics of her pierced ears, so i would take a pic on my phone of the side of her face, with her ear, and she couldnt figure out why i didnt take any straight on! Well ill tell you why... Her cheeks are too chubby to see them from a straight on view! Poor little chubba bubba!

Alright...Im off to find that cord!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Berlyn has been up to

Since i havent written at all in forever! Ill give you an update in pics of how bee has been, i pretty much have at least 1 from every day of her mom insists i send her one every day, so she can see how big she is getting! So, this is what she has been doing lately....LAUGHING like crazy!!! all the time!Getting chunky little legs!Loves watching us talk to hersitting up! chilling with her favorite bunnyJust looking cuteJust being a little silly!Chewing on EVERYTHINGincluding her ENTIRE hand!!! crazy crazy baby!

Goin Shootin

Not much of a story to this, we got bored on Saturday and went shooting down in Nephi...Bee looked so cute in her ear muff things!

Thank You!

Grandma Janet AKA Jama ( i came up with that myself, not quite sure if she likes it yet)
Grandma thinking of an AKA for you mama!

Aunt Kori!

I know it has been quite a while since this happened now, but i am just getting around to blogging about it!

I just want to say thank you to my mom for coming up as soon as Berlyn was born to help me get the hang of things and cleaning and making dinner and for coming up again to watch her for the first week i was back to work!

i also need to thank my lovely sister Kori and my mother-in-law Janet for watching Berlyn for the thirty days i had to go back to work!

I know it wasnt the easiest thing for you all, that it didnt fit in your planned schedules im sure! But thank you so much! I seriously couldnt have done it without you! I love you all! And Bee loves you both too! Muchas Gracias!!!

Sometimes we fish...Sometimes we find family

Dustin and Berlyn taking a nap...i LOVE this picture so much!

A few weekends ago now, we went down to Torrey Utah, our usual Utah vacation spot for fishing and hunting and such, to go ice fishing, and to find my great-great grandma!

A little bit of a back story...i found out just a little bit before this that my great-grandma actually used to live in the EXACT same town we have been visiting for so many years! Which is pretty awesome and quite a coincidence, considering Torrey's total population is maybe 100 people, and the whole county of Wayne has a population of 2000...thats 1 person per sq mile! and thats on a good day! SO before we went down i did a bunch of quick family history and found out that she lived in about 4 little towns down there with her mom (my great-great-grandma) and HER mom too..great great great! whooo thats great! Turns out it was the first place they lived when they moved here from Scotland! I never got the chance to meet my great great grandma maggie...but she sure sounded like a lot of fun to say the least! She married a man down there, named John Busenbark and they had a bunch of kids, and lived there happily until she passed away.

Anyways, i searched it up a bit, and found out where she was buried! And it is like 5 miles away from my in laws house down there! Crazy! I feel so much closer to this place now, knowing i have such a strong family connection to it! Its awesome to know i am going around visiting and seeing the same farms, lakes, rivers, mountains, trails etc., as my great grandma did when she was not much younger than me! It is so cool! I am hopeing to maybe find some blood relatives that might still be down there! Maybe they know more stories about my family! That would be so exciting! i cant even stand it!

Dustins family has been visiting there since like 1930 and my family lived there since 1900! If you knew how small this place is, you would think it was pretty dang awesome too that its connected! Anyways, here are some pics from the trip!

Berlyn sleeping on the way there! (she has a milk beard)

She had a baby that only lived a month :( born the same year as my grandma, who i never got the chance to meet, Margaretmy great grandma's brother WilliamHer sister VirginiaMy great great grandma maggie and her husband John Busenbark! So many flowers means someone is still there who loves them! Which means, i am going to find them, and have even more family! Wooo!!LOOK! A couple of Bald Eagles! faaaancy!Turkey Lurkeys!i caught this MONSTERIt was freezing and he was slimy and really hard to hold! (i let him go by the way)