Thursday, June 4, 2009

Playing catch up!

thumbs up! She LOVES this thing!Playing on the mat with her toys and molly...

Getting messy with some food...

being silly with daddy...

this is her new face she does when she is trying to be cute... thanks a lot COLBY!
so i know, again, its been forever! a lot has been going on lately, but i dont know if any of it is quite "blog worthy" stuff... just growing, changing type stuff. Berlyn has grown up a lot even just since easter! she now says (but only when she wants to) "dada" "mama" (only when she is crying) "hi!" and "bob" not baba... just bob! silly baby! anyways, she also has discovered the hammock in our back yard, and absolutly LOVES it! it can be an hour past her nap time or time to eat and she will just sit in there happy as can be, and if you know her, that is pretty amazing!
Lets see... oh she is also officially a half year old and weighs 19lbs 2 oz, 28inches long and i just started feeding her baby food, she pretty much loves it so far! but she is the MESSIEST eater i have ever fed!

She LOVES her dad and tells him all kinds of stories all the time, he taught her how to make a farting noise from her mouth and she does it all the time...beautiful

Dustin finally is getting more work to do at work, and he is the project manager (i think, hes not to interested in talking about work after work) at a job in herriman. he isnt getting paid like an intern anymore, he is now on salary, but how things work out he is really only getting paid a little more than he was before, because of the hours he works. But, its still better, and he is getting noticed for all the hard work he has been doing.

I have finally started going to the gym again! which is pretty exciting, i used to love going, but then life got busy and i never had time! so now im just getting into the swing of loving it again! i dont see any results yet, but just knowing that im doing it makes me feel better!

alright...the part i like the most...the pics! they are all of berlyn...but like i said before, i am always the one taking the pics, so im never in them...bah! oh well, she is the cutest one everyone wants to see anyways!


Jess said...

It's about time!!!!! She is as cute as ever! Ry likes to blow farting noises on me, its just fantastic! Ry will be 1 on the 18th & I just weighed him Monday & he's 20lbs3oz so hey she's not more than him! ;) You should update more!

Kori, Troy and Colby said...

I'm glad Colby was able to teach her some things before we left! Good thing she isn't around now, he would teach her to bite...that's his new thing! We miss our Bee!!! And you guys of course too :)

The Archuleta's said...

She is getting so big. She looks so much like Dustin. What a cutie!