Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Bee's First Easter!

annie (Grandpa Grizzly and Grandma Jama's doggin)
Gingie...she may be a spaz, but she is out whenever she finds a bed.

ooooooh molly......

she loves those keys....LOVES THEM
forget any toys that cost more than 50cents...the keys are all she loves now
ob...sessed...what camera
who took her is over
ya, thats a mad confused face
show us some leg
thats it! im done with you people and your cameras! Done i tell you!

well...better late than never! This year Dustin's parents decided to go down to Torrey for easter, so, we decided to go too! They also decided to celebrate my birthday while we were down there, which was very nice! we got a whole cake that we never had time to eat...its in our fridge right now...still full! haha! annywhooo... I had already bought bee the cutest easter outfit, and was bound and determined to have her wear it for easter! so, even though we were down there, and leaving that morning, i still had to get her into that dress! Right after this wonderful photo shoot, we changed her into her pjs and drove home haha...what an easter! No really, it was nice. Here are the pics of her, and our weird dogs...