Sunday, November 30, 2008

what ive been doing lately...

So, im pretty much just going to be putting up any pics we take of little B, since well, thats what ive been doing lately! Cause you know, not to brag but, i think she is pretty dang cute...

willy was feeling a little jealous, so we took a picture of him too.

all dressed up after 2 days of no clothes in the baby glow worm to go to the doctor to see if she still had jaundice.

just looking cute and cuddly

poor little thing in her bili bed...dang jaundice, it made it no fun! No holding her except to feed and change her for 2 whole days! that was tough, she loved it though, it must have been comfy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I know its a little late....

Please welcome miss Berlyn Denice Harrow born November 24th 7lbs 11oz 19 1/2in long! Yay! We are so excited! So far she is pretty fun and we love her to death! Ill post more in a few days, but just thought i'd let you know and post some pics!